PI: Melissa O. Anderson

PI: Prof. Melissa O. Anderson

Prof. Melissa o. Anderson (she/her)

Principle Investigator

Bio: Melissa Anderson joined the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Toronto as Assistant Professor of Economic Geology in 2018. Prior to this, she completed a Ph.D. and post-doc at the University of Ottawa (Canada) and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research in Kiel (Germany) with Prof. Mark Hannington. She is passionate about seafloor research, ore deposits, and mentoring students.


Current Students

I am currently recruiting graduate students for a number of different projects. Please see the “Opportunities” page for more information about projects and how to apply.

Graduate Researcher Octavio Acuña Avendaño

Graduate Researcher Octavio Acuña Avendaño

Octavio Acuña Avendaño (he/Him)

Ph.D. Dissertation: Tectonics, Magmatism, and Hydrothermal Venting in the Mariana Back-Arc

Awards: Hugh Snyder Fellowship in Economic Geology; The Jeff Fawcett and John Gittens Graduate Explorers Fund, Gorman Scholarship, Allen Award


Bio: Octavio worked for almost 6 years (2013-2019) in the geological control of geothermal deep wells for the Pailas II and the Miravalles Geothermal Projects in Costa Rica, completed a B.Sc. in Geology at the University of Costa Rica in 2013 and completed a M.Sc. in Renewable Energies at the University of Barcelona in 2018 focused on the use of low enthalpy geothermal energy. He is passionate about all the earth sciences in general, geothermal energy, volcanic systems, marine geology and hydrothermalism.

Graduate Researcher David Summer

Graduate Researcher David Summer

David Summer (he/him)

Ph.D. Dissertation: Lithotectonic and hydrothermal evolution of the New Hebrides subduction zone, SW Pacific

Awards: NSERC Canadian Graduate Scholarship, Faculty of Arts & Science Top (FAST) Doctoral Fellowship, Queen Elizabeth II/J. J. Fawcett Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology, Moore Award in Geology, David Kobluk Memorial Scholarship , Tintor Scholarship, P.C. Finlay Q.C. President’s Scholarship


Bio: David completed a B.Sc. in Earth Science at the University of Toronto, Mississauga with the completion of the Geology Specialist program in 2020. He join’s Prof. Melissa Anderson’s team to help develop an understanding of modern seafloor massive sulphide deposits in subduction settings. David aspires to help build on the geological framework for the formation of ore deposits to help inform on exploration strategies.


Graduate Researcher Jade Umbsaar

Jade umbsaar (she/her/they/them)

Ph.D. Dissertation: Critical metal and trace metal endowment of seafloor massive sulfide deposits from different lithotectonic settings

Awards: Ontario Graduate Scholarship, James P. Nowlan Scholarship, DRA Scholarship, Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship, Ontario Graduate Scholarship, The Northern Miner Scholarship, MAC Travel Grant, SEG Research Grant

M.Sc. Thesis: Trace element distribution and variation across texturally and temporally variable sulfide mineralizations within the Tinakula Seafloor Massive Sulfide deposit near the Solomon Islands (Completed in 2021)

Awards: Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship, University of Toronto recruitment scholarship, Gorman Scholarship, Tintor Scholarship


Bio: Jade completed her B.Sc. in Geosciences at the University of Calgary, where she also worked as a mineral separation technician and undergraduate researcher, studying tephrostratigraphic correlation of samples from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Jade is passionate about earth sciences and frequently enjoys hiking, rockhounding, gold panning, and birding.


Graduate Researcher Sheila Bellantyne

sheila ballantyne (she/her)

Ph.D. Metal remobilization of metamorphosed and deformed volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in the Snow Lake District, Manitoba, Canada

Awards: Ontario Graduate Scholarship, SEG Research Grant, MAC Travel Grant


Bio: Ms. Ballantyne joined Dr. Anderson’s research group in September 2022. She completed her Honours Bachelor’s degree in Earth Science at Dalhousie University, and Master’s degree in Mining Engineering at the University of British Columbia. Her industry experience includes mineral exploration, rock mechanics, and mine design. She is dedicated to applied geoscience education with experience in running field and lab-based educational experiences as the Earth Science Field and Lab Coordinator at University of Toronto Mississauga. Her research interests focus on the interplaying roles of tectonics, geotechnics, and structural geology as they relate to economic geology.


Graduate Researcher Aneila Ghanie

Aneila Ghanie (she/her)

M.Sc. Thesis: Structural, volcanic, and hydrothermal evolution of the Puy des Folles seamount, Mid-Atlantic Ridge


Bio: Aneila completed a B.Sc. in Earth Science at the University of Toronto, Mississauga, in 2023. She worked briefly in the industry, undergoing uranium core logging and lithium prospecting. Her research interests focus on the cross-cutting relationships between structural geology and volcanic evolution of modern seafloor massive sulphide deposits. Aneila aspires to constrain unknown volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits (Puy des Folles Volcano) and further develop the current understanding of VMS formation. Aneila is passionate about structural geology, sulphide deposits, as well as crocheting and cozy gaming.


Graduate Researcher Olivia Filson

Olivia filson (she/her)

M.Sc. Thesis: Crustal architecture of the EMARK Oceanic Core Complex, Kane Fracture Zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge


Bio: Olivia previously completed her B.Sc. in Earth & Environmental Sciences at McMaster University and worked briefly in the mineral exploration industry. Her current research investigates the geology of an oceanic core complex on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, as well as the processes involved in the development of these structures and related hydrothermal chimney deposits. Olivia is keen to learn more about marine geology research, other ore-forming processes and exploration strategies. She also enjoys many extracurricular interests including intramural sports, rock climbing, and amateur astronomy.


Graduate researcher Sam Nichols

Sam Nichols (he/him)

M.Sc. Thesis: Tectonic and volcanic evolution of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Cabo Verde and Kane Fracture Zones, 15°N to 23°N


Bio: Sam recently completed a B.Sc. at McMaster University in Earth and Environmental Sciences, during which time he spent a co-op term working at the Ministry of Transportation in a concrete petrography laboratory. He is interested in studying and mapping the structural geology of the seafloor, and the use of geologic materials in civil engineering applications. Outside of Earth Science, he enjoys playing hockey and soccer, and reading sci-fi and non-fiction books. 


Graduate researcher Elizabeth Xu

Elizabeth xu (she/her)

M.Sc. Thesis: Remote-predictive geological mapping of the southern Vanuatu backarc, SW Pacific

Bio: Elizabeth is an undergraduate student specialising in Earth Science. She is passionate about structural geology and its impact on shaping landscapes. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, hiking, and going on road trips.


Undergraduate researcher Genevieve Russett

Genevieve Russett (she/her)

B.Sc. Research Project: Geochemical characterization of the Puy Des Folles vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge


Bio: Genevieve is an undergraduate student completing a Specialist program in Environmental Geoscience. She is interested in a wide range of Earth Science topics but is especially excited to explore geochemistry and tectonics in greater depth. Outside of school, she enjoys hiking and skiing in the Rocky Mountains.


Undergraduate researcher Nicole Schoenherr

Nicole schoenherr (She/her)

B.Sc. Honour’s Thesis: 3D modeling of an ancient VMS deposit

Bio: Nicole is an undergraduate student pursuing a specialist degree in geology. She has hands-on experience with fieldwork, including soil and rock sampling of LCT pegmatites, as well as in the oil and gas industry, specifically working with conventional gas reservoirs in the Deep Basin. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, skiing, and dancing two-step in her cowboy boots!


Undergraduate researcher Jennifer Cann

Jennifer cann (she/her)

B.Sc. Honour’s Thesis: Petrological and geochemical evolution of an LCT pegmatite, ON

Bio: Jen completed a Geoscience major with double minors in Forestry and Physical Geography. In the past, she has worked with the Ontario Geological Survey and as a backcountry ranger in Algonquin Park. She loves canoe trips, sailing Lake Ontario and illustration.

Graduate researcher Merve Uygur

Graduate Researcher Merve Uygur

merve uygur (she/her)

M.A.Sc. Thesis: Adapting approaches for 3D ore deposit modeling and resource estimations for Seafloor Massive Sulfide deposits

Awards: Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Scholarship, SEG Canada Research Grant


Bio: Merve was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey. She completed B.Sc. and MSc. degrees majoring in geological engineering at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) where she also worked as a geochemistry laboratory assistant in her undergraduate and as a research assistant during her MSc and PhD studies. Hoping to complete her PhD at ITU, but she decided to do a second masters at UofT. She has been working on the determination of geothermal fields and ore deposits using optical remote sensing techniques. Her current work focuses on mineral reserve calculations for seafloor massive sulfide deposits using geostatistics during her master's under the supervision of Melissa Anderson.

Undergraduate Research Assistant Morgan Wolfe

Undergraduate Research Assistant Morgan Wolfe

Morgan WolfE (he/him)

Undergraduate Research Assistant (Work-Study)

B.Sc. Honour’s thesis: Geomorphologic evolution of submarine canyons

NSERC-CREATE (iMAGE) Affiliated Trainee

Morgan is a B.Sc. student at U of T, completing an Environmental Geoscience Specialist degree with a minor in Geographic Information Systems and is honoured to be a part of Professor Anderson’s research team. Having taken the circuitous route through physics and philosophy, he is very happy to be finally pursuing his lifelong passion for earth science and has a particularly keen interest in geomorphology and karsts. When not immersed in academics and all things science, he also enjoys hiking (looking at rocks), gardening (digging around rocks), and music composition (not rock – sorry).

Undergraduate Researcher Alex Copeland

Undergraduate Researcher Alex Copeland

Alex copeland (he/him)

B.Sc. Honour’s Thesis: Alteration mineralogy and geochemistry of the submarine Volcano AG, Lau Basin, Tonga

B.Sc. Directed Studies Project: Geological Mapping of the Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc

NSERC-CREATE (iMAGE) Affiliated Trainee

Alex is completing the Geology specialist program with a minor in Geographic Information Systems. He loves being in the water, cooking and collecting cool rocks. He is very excited to work on this project as it involves two longstanding interests of his: volcanoes and good maps!

Undergraduate Researcher and Research Assistant Katherine Bormann

Undergraduate Researcher and Research Assistant Katherine Bormann

katherine bormann (she/her)

B.Sc. Research Project (NSERC-USRA): Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Volcanoes along the Reykjanes Ridge, North Atlantic


NSERC-CREATE (iMAGE) Affiliated Trainee

Bio: Katherine is an undergraduate student completing a B.Sc in Environmental Geoscience with an interest in earth system processes and geomorphology. She loves all things science and enjoys biking and reading National Geographic magazines.

Undergraduate Researcher Daniel Mul

Undergraduate Researcher Daniel Mul

Daniel mul (he/him)

B.Sc. Directed Studies Project: Base and precious metal endowment of subduction-related SMS deposits

NSERC-CREATE (iMAGE) Affiliated Trainee

Bio: Hello everyone my name is Daniel, I am a chemistry major with minors in mathematics and geoscience entering my final year of undergrad at UofT. I love being outdoors, going on adventures and learning new things. In my spare time I like to read as well as tinker with my various hobbies including skis, bikes and computers.

Undergraduate Research Assistant Kathryn Cheng

Undergraduate Research Assistant Kathryn Cheng

Kathryn cheng (she/her)

Undergraduate Research Assistant

NSERC-CREATE (iMAGE) Affiliated Trainee

Bio: Kathryn is an undergraduate student completing a B.Sc in Geology and Chemistry. She is interested in earth sciences research, specifically geochemistry. Outside of academics, Kathryn enjoys taking film photography and journaling. She joins our team as a Research Assistant to compile seafloor data and help organize CREATE-related workshops and seminars.

Undergraduate Researcher and Research Assistant Sofia Panasiuk

Undergraduate Researcher and Research Assistant Sofia Panasiuk

Sofia Panasiuk (she/her)

Undergraduate Research Assistant

B.Sc. Honour’s Thesis: The volcanic and structural evolution of the Reykjanes Ridge, North Atlantic: Insights from seafloor geological mapping

Awards: Joseph Michael Housam Memorial Leadership Award, KEGS Foundation Scholarship; Canadian Minerals and Mining Plan: Digging Deep Mining Hackathon (2nd Place)


Bio: Sofia is an undergraduate student interested in marine geochemistry and earth system processes. She worked as a Junior Geology/Geophysics Field Assistant for University of Toronto in the Grenville Province and New Brunswick. She joins our team to compile, process, and manage a new database of multi-beam bathymetry.

Undergraduate Researcher Bev Teng

Undergraduate Researcher Bev Teng

Bev Teng (she/her)

B.Sc. Research Project: Geological and Ecological Mapping of the Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc

Awards: NSERC Undergraduate Research Award

NSERC-CREATE (iMAGE) Affiliated Trainee

Bio: Bev is an undergraduate student currently completing a BSc in Environmental Sciences with an interest in pretty much anything marine. She believes in taking a holistic, scientific approach to environmental issues—which of course includes Earth sciences! Bev has a variety of experiences from undergraduate journalism to sustainability research.

Graduate Researcher Talia Moum

Graduate Researcher Talia Moum

Talia Moum (she/her)

M.Sc. Thesis: An integrated geological, geochemical, and isotopic study of a newly-discovered seafloor massive sulfide deposit, Tonga-Kermadec Arc, SW Pacific

Awards: Peter Howe Award for Advancement of the Mineral Industry; SEG Canada Foundation Research Award; Cameron Allen Explorers Graduate Fellowship, SGS Conference Grant

NSERC-CREATE (iMAGE) Affiliated Trainee

Bio: Talia completed her B.Sc. in Earth Science from Carleton University, and will be working on understanding geodynamic controls on ore formation through an integrated program of geological and structural mapping and lithogeochemical studies. She has worked with the Geological Survey of Canada on Somerset Island, Nunavut, for two summers performing bedrock mapping and geochemical sampling. She loves the outdoors and enjoys camping, canoeing, and hiking.

Graduate Researcher Chantal Norris-Julseth

Graduate Researcher Chantal Norris-Julseth

Chantal Norris-Julseth (she/her)

M.Sc. Thesis: Structural evolution of the NE Lau back-arc basin: Links to tectonic regime and magmatic-hydrothermal systems

Awards: Irene Gale-Rucklidge Explorers Fund Graduate Scholarship: Canadian Tectonics Group Travel Grant; Mineralogical Association of Canada Travel Grant

Bio: Chantal received her B.Sc. in geology from Brandon University, and completed her M.Sc. at the UofT in September, 2019, on active seafloor volcanism and the role structures play in the formation of VMS deposits. She has worked in analytical labs, in industry doing greenfield and brownfield exploration, and in government.

Undergraduate Researcher Robert Phillips

Undergraduate Researcher Robert Phillips

Robert phillips (he/him)

B.Sc. Research Project: Mineral prospectivity mapping of the northern Mariana back-arc

Bio: Robert is a passionate explorer and scientist dedicated to delivering geologic and economic results in the world's most challenging environments; from mountain peaks to the seafloor. “Commonly found afloat Robert is not one to gloat, but when ashore he's always sure to provide results for geologic exploration, and more.” ~Robert